Fixed Characters The logical conclusion to civilization. by Alden THE FIXED CHARACTERS | In 1054, a supernova was | And finally, in 1898, JULY 4TH SPECTACULAR | first seen by Chinese | Dr. Pilar Barbosa de | and Arab observers. It | Rosario, notable Puerto On this day in 1933, | was bright enough to be | Rican historian, was born. Mahatma Gandhi was | seen in the daylight for | \ sentenced to a year in | several months. | \ / prison. | / | Truly, today was a \__@ | \__@ | \__@ -great day in history. /\/\ | /\/\ | /\/\ also last year i stubbed my toe and it kinda hurt next previous first current random randomizer archive about you can officially like this comic updates when i damn well please (rss) (CC) BY-NC-SA