Fixed Characters An adventure in eye strain. by Alden Rocks are hard and water| stalactites; rocks are | I don't get that metaphor. is soft, well relatively| water's bitch, in the | Are you saying rocks are soft, yet water totally | parlance of our time. | the female dog to water's wins. Rivers, canyons, | | | male dog? \ | | | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0-yep 0 /|\ /|\ | /|\ /|\ | /|\ /|\ | | | | | | | | <__/ / \ / \ | / \ / \ | / \ / \ /\/\ dog don't have say nothin just has to stand there next previous first current random randomizer archive about you can officially like this comic updates when i damn well please (rss) (CC) BY-NC-SA