Fixed Characters The logical conclusion to civilization. by Alden Hey, wanna try some of | Ok, sure, whatever. | Oh, I have feelings about my Ambiguity Pie? | | | it.| \ | | | | How about you dog? What's in it? \ | | How do you like it? | | \ | \ | \ | I only like 0 0 -Ingred- | 0 0 | 0 0 vague pie. /|\ /|\ ients | /|\ /|\ | /|\ /|\ / | | | | | | | | <__/ / \ / \ | / \ / \ | / \ / \ /\/\ pretty sure that's the same thing, dog next previous first current random randomizer archive about you can officially like this comic updates when i damn well please (rss) (CC) BY-NC-SA