Fixed Characters Let's die slowly. by Alden At a surrealist rally | Burroughs' use of cutups | and then pastes them back in the 1920's Tristan | develops his juxtaposition| together at random. Tzara the man from | technique to its logical | / nowhere proposed to | conclusion. The cutup is | I was feeling out of create a poem on the | a mechanical method in | touch with modern spot by pulling words | which he literally cuts up| culture until I bought / out of a hat. | / passages of prose | / this $1000 rabbit \__@ | \__@ | \__@ with skulls for eyes. /\/\ | /\/\ | /\/\ got it "going on" now. at-cat is a plagiarist (!) next previous first current random randomizer archive about you can officially like this comic updates when i damn well please (rss) (CC) BY-NC-SA