Fixed Characters Flagrant disrespect for language. by Alden so yeah i went to the | and i'm like yeah, an | what day of the week july genius bar and ordered | idiot savant, with ice | 18th 1467 was. or whatever an idiot savant on the | you know, that's what on | you got. so he calls his rocks and the guy | the rocks means. doesn't | manager and let me tell you working there gives me | matter what kind, maybe | i'm never buying another this weird look. | one who could calculate | ipod ever. | | even though \__@ | \__@ | \__@ they're tasty. /\/\ | /\/\ | /\/\ i prefer two fingers of einstein neat next previous first current random randomizer archive about you can officially like this comic updates when i damn well please (rss) (CC) BY-NC-SA