Fixed Characters Tastes better with ketchup. by Alden Double negatives: ain't| I ain't never not gonna | Uh... yes? no good? My sources | believe you! You're not | | don't not know! | anti-un-dis-knowing what | | You mean not no. | | you're not talking about.| | / | / | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 Affirmative! /|\ /|\ | /|\ /|\ | /|\ /|\ / | | | | | | | | <__/ / \ / \ | / \ / \ | / \ / \ /\/\ i ain't not got no problem with no double negatives. next previous first current random randomizer archive about you can officially like this comic updates when i damn well please (rss) (CC) BY-NC-SA