Fixed Characters What hath hell wrought. by Alden You know what I'm really| Meh, I used to be into | How could you be into it into these days? This | that, but now I'm more | if you haven't even heard hip thing you haven't | into this even hipper | of it? heard of. | thing I haven't heard of.| | I guess I'm just | | \ | / that cool. 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 /|\ /|\ | /|\ /|\ | /|\ /|\ | | | | | | | | / \ / \ | / \ / \ | / \ / \ let's bash hip trends, it's the cool new thing next previous first current random randomizer archive about you can officially like this comic updates when i damn well please (rss) (CC) BY-NC-SA