Fixed Characters Peanut butter on celery. by Alden THE ONE ON THE LEFT IS | Sure I can, see? | Well I'd call that flying. DREAMING: | | | | | | You're just jumping| | Also, you're Wow! I can fly! | | and maneuvering in | | asleep. | | \ the air. | \ Fly me some 0 0 -Nope. | 0 0 | 0 0 burgers! /|\ /|\ | /|\ /|\ | /|\ /|\ / | | | | | | | | <__/ / \ / \ | / \ / \ | / \ / \ /\/\ pixie dust and happy thoughts -- sounds dirty next previous first current random randomizer archive about you can officially like this comic updates when i damn well please (rss) (CC) BY-NC-SA